E Pluribus Unum. Out of Many, One. (2015)
From the United Nations to the World Bank, from the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. to the U.S. Congress, we met decision-makers from transatlantic as well as international organizations to discuss the relations between Europe and the United States. This year’s title of the Study Trip: “E Pluribus Unum. Out of Many, One.” Aside of our main endeavors, there was be plenty of time to see and interact with the ‘greatest nation in the world.’ We visited a lots of American Culture, e.g. New York Yankees game and the National Mall in America’s capital.
When the United States Congress adopted ‘E Pluribus Unum’ as one of the motto’s of the young nation, the representative body of the American people intended to send a strong signal both domestically as well as internationally: out of many, one. From different religious, ethnic, cultural and political backgrounds, the United States of America provided common ground not despite of, but because of the diversity of its society. In a possible age of coming ‘Global Disorder,’ Europe and the United States must move closer together as the gravity center for peace, freedom and security — now it was up to us to find common ground. No other regions in the world share such a coherence, depth and range in values, interests and perspectives as both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
However, our commitment to stronger transatlantic relations does not imply to ignore differences in opinions and attitudes, but to actively discuss and resolve them. As Young Transatlantic Initiative, we want to contribute to this understanding between civil society and key decision-makers between our nations by engaging the younger generations in a public discourse. Young enthusiasts set the agenda for the next transatlantic decades — that is the mission of our organization. How do we want to increase culture ‘exposure’ between young Americans and Europeans? What is the agenda of economic cooperation beyond TTIP? How should Europe and America define their respective roles in world affairs to develop a common strategic vision?
Program Coordinator
Jonas Emmerich | Dominik Casper